Founded by Ed Weenk in 2004 in Barcelona, Spain, QuSL is now based out of Maastricht (NLD) with a focus on


All of our major activities have a strong focus on SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN & STRATEGY:

* Distribution Network Design & carbon footprint, Transportation strategy & management

* Warehouse re-location studies, Logistics outsourcing & tendering

* Supply Chain strategy, Operational & productivity improvement

* Impact of Circular Economy, Sustainability and Industry 4.0 on business models and supply chains

* Project Management and Intra- & entrepreneurship

Introduced in 2010, the activity of BUSINESS GAMING leverages on Ed’s functional business expertise combined with his passion about experiential learning. Currently, the portfolio contains business games from world leading simulation developers Inchainge, and Palatine Group / Management Worlds about:

* End-to-End Value Chain (The Fresh Connection)

* Sustainable Business (“Juggling the 3 P’s”) (The Triple Connection)

* Circular Economy (The Blue Connection)

* Working Capital, IBP & Supply Chain Finance (The Cool Connection)

* Project Management (Palatine Project Leadership Experience)

Ed is a certified trainer in these simulations and also acts as business partner, focusing on North-West Europe, Spain and Latin America.

So far, Ed has been actively involved in projects, workshops and/or company trainings in the following industry sectors:

Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), chemicals, pharma, high-tech & telecom, electronics & white-goods, automotive, steel, fashion, aerospace, industrial, apparel & sports, lighting, motorcycles, cork, services to the chemical industry, engineering, taps manufacturing.

Clients include companies like Nike, Henkel, Bayer, Covestro, Samsung, DHL, Shell, Alcon, Wyeth, Mölnlycke Healthcare, Volkswagen Group, Volvo, Makro, JohnsonDiversey, Groenewout Consultants & Engineers, Buck Consulting, Involvation, LCP Consulting and others.

Ed has practical experience in consulting, teaching and/or training around the globe:

North America (USA, Mexico, Panamá), South America (Perú, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil), EurAsia (Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazachstan, China, Tailand), Middle East (Jordan, Egypt), and many European countries.